The Museum of Folk Architecture is the oldest open air museum in Slovakia. In the area of 1.5 ha, there are more than 30 valuable objects, which represent traditional culture and civil engineering of Slovak and Ruthenian populations who lived in regions of Upper Šariš and Upper Zemplín.
This first open air museum in Slovakia was opened in 1965. It contains peasant houses with equipment from the period, rare wooden churches, technical devices, and various homestead buildings like grain elevators, barns, furnace, well, hive, stable, fruit drier and so on.
The majority of these objects are classified as wooden buildings of the Carpathian type, built in the 19th and 20th century. The building that was the most typical of this period was a three-room house, which consisted of living room, anteroom and pantry. Homestead buildings like malting floors, stable or stall were subsequently adjoined.
The museum’s oldest and yet most remarkable objects are wooden churches representing sacral architecture typical of Byzantine liturgy.
The Greek Catholic church from Mikulášová village (near Bardejov), built in 1730, is characterized by small baroque towers and painted clock. The Orthodox church from Zboj village in Upper Zemplín region dates back to 1775. Inside, you can find one of the most beautiful and well-preserved iconostases (wall of icons) from the 18th century. The list of sacral buildings includes also two bell towers and chapel of St. John of Nepomuk.
Particularly precious are museum’s technical devices. The most valuable one is a unique device for drilling pipes of wooden water supply from the 18th century. It was water-powered and it was used to build and repair the water supply system in Bardejov. Another remarkably rare device is “valcha” (a device for home production of woolen broadcloth) from 1888, brought from Livov village.
The museum also includes an ethnographical exhibition, which is located in the nearby Villa Rákóczi. It presents Slovak folk costumes, home-made products and works of craftsmen from Upper Šariš region, as well as evolution of the craft itself and technological know-how.
A sacred folk art is included in form of plastic art and glass paintings. Last but not least, the exhibition also displays history of Bardejovské Kúpele (Bardejov Spa) and small pharmaceutical exhibition is also included. The most precious showpiece here is the oldest well-preserved hive in Slovakia. It was made in 1691.
Events like the Day of Crafts, The Folklore Afternoon, Potter’s Sunday or Ruthenian and Šariš Region Folklore Parade liven up your tour of the museum.
Opening Hours: Main season (May–September): Mon–Sun: 10:00–18:00 (including public holidays) Off-season (October–April): Tue–Sun: 9:30–15:00 (except for public holidays)
More information: muzeumbardejov.sk
Translated by: Mgr. Tomáš Fedorko Juraj Šott, M.A.