CITY OF BARDEJOV Thirty-three thousand people is not much. The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd have been having much larger attendances. But in a Central European valley this can make for a remarkable city. Bardejov is the biggest little city in Europe. But unlike many other big cities it has a glorious history which is physically preserved in its intact medieval city centre. The Basilica, the Town Hall, the walls and bastions, a town where emperors and generals walked around and about and got amazed. Today, Bardejov is the Slovak city number 20 in size but number 1 in quality of life. A strong natural environment, clean water, thick green forests. Recycling is standard. Very little crime, good education and traffic infrastructure. The city flourishes in its own way. More than 10 % of the district's population is employed abroad (via two large companies, several smaller ones and individually). It is thus obvious that an above-average income is being accumulated in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, UK and Ireland. |
The moneymakers return sequentially or periodically and divide into two groups – one that settle down and invest and one who visit friends and family. The first group keeps the price of real estate on a reasonable level and reconstruct old neighborhoods. They are also responsible for some small but successful new businesses. The other group's activity has resulted in the highest number of gastronomic establishments per 1000 inhabitants in Slovakia. It’s a bit like being in Reno, Nevada – every other door is a pub, a bar, a restaurant. |
Zarábači sa postupne či pravidelne vracajú a delia sa na dve skupiny. Jedna sa usadí a investuje, druhá navštevuje priateľov a rodinu. Prvá skupina udržiava ceny nehnuteľností na rozumnej úrovni, rekonštruuje staré susedstvá a vytvára tiež malé ale úspešné podniky. Tá druhá je zodpovedná za najvyšší počet gastronomických zariadení na 1000 obyvateľov na Slovensku. Je to tu trochu ako v meste Reno, v americkej Nevade – každé druhé dvere v Bardejove sú krčma, bar, reštaurácia. Ale najdôležitejším superlatívom Bardejova sú jeho ľudia. Sú naozaj dobrí a krásni. Drsní ale féroví, závistliví ale nápomocní, chamtiví ale milujúci, hlúpi ale veselí, presne ako všade inde, ale ešte viac na hrane. A ó dievčatá a ženy tu, poézia nemá šancu dosiahnuť popis nadpozemského. Sú to nádherné a vznešené tvory za hranicami možného. Ak nie ste miestni, môžete veľmi ľahko prísť o rozum, srdce i dušu. Mnohým sa tak stalo. Vitajte v Bardejove! |